Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Formal and Informal Invitation

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The Difference Between Formal and Informal Invitations

When we are preparing a party, a birthday or even a wedding, you can send your guests information about the event through formal or informal invitations. The most important difference between the two is that the formal invitation must follow the established etiquette. We explain the most important features of each type of invitation and then the major difference between formal and informal invitations.
The formal invitation is much more classical and elegant, with letters, for example, in Times New Roman, with proper punctuation and capital letters. It will also speak to your guests with the highest grade of formality. Formal invitation must be sent by post and you should wait for confirmation by post or by telephone, whereas the informal invitation can be done by e-mail or over the Internet.

A formal invitation

As we've mentioned earlier, formal invitations follow strict rules that should be followed. They are used in formal events such as cocktails, weddings,etc... Formal invitations should contain and comprise with the following rules and information:
·      The logo or initials of the party organizer.
·      The invitation should be written in third person
·      The full name of the organizer or organizers.
·      A neutral tone should be used.
·      It provides information about the event. For example, "brunch", "an awards ceremony" or "drinks reception".
·      Dates must be written in letters and you should not use abbreviation.
·      It ought to explain why the party or event is being held, "to celebrate..." or "to honor..."
·      Enter the address, the time and the venue.
·      Detail the dress code or the style of dress to be donned by guests. There are several types of clothing, but the most correct attire for a formal party is: semi-formalformal dress code, black tie...
·      Include an RSVP - this elegant abbreviation comes from the French phrase "Répondez, s'il vous plait"; which in English means "Please respond". This is required at parties where you need to know exactly who will come, so you can organize nibbles and other things. You can include a reply card with a phone number. Include a deadline for responses.

An informal invitation

An informal invitation or non-formal invite can take on many different forms and it does not require all the pomp and ceremony of a formal invitation. The important thing to include in non-formal invitations is:
·      The sender or event organizer.
·      The informal invitation can be written in handwriting
·      You can use a warmer, more personal tone.
·      The reason for which the event is being held. You can write these using a direct and personal style.
·      RSVP for the event. Put your e-mail or phone. Another original way to confirm attendance and one which will help you manage the guests at the event is by using a Doodle.
·      Another way to send a non-formal invitation is through a Facebook event.
You can be much more creative with informal invitations, so wreck your brain and think of some original ideas that can make your event more attractive to your possible attendees.

Example 1: Formal Invitation
PT. Barakuda Muda
Jl. Bandara No.66, Palembang
Palembang, March 9th, 2016
To Mr. Jhonson Black
General Manager of PT. Markit Outfit
Jl. Pangeran No.33, Jakarta
Dear Mr. Jhonson,

We write this letter in order to request your honorable presence in our company 23rd Anniversary celebration. The celebration will be held on:

Date: March 16th, 2016
Hours: 07.00 pm to 22.00 pm
Venue: J & J Hotel, 10th floor meeting room
We hope Mr. And Mrs. Jhonson would be available to come and join us. We would like to see you both there in our company’s anniversary celebration.

Andra Ceksa
General Manager PT. Barakuda Muda
SVP: (085233333333)
Undangan resmi biasanya dikeluarkan oleh sebuah instansi atau perusahaan. Undangan Resmi ini umumnya ditandai dengan adanya singkatan “RSVP” di bagian bawah dari undangan. RVSP adalah singkatan dari bahasa Perancis untuk Respondez S’il Vous Plait atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti “Mohon tanggapan/jawaban”. Terdapat kontak dari pihak yang mengundang untuk bisa dihubungi jika yang di undang akan merespon undangan tersebut.
Example 2: Formal Invitation

The Ministry of Education and Culture
Junior High School 1 Barangka
Jl. Poros Raha Kambara No.24, Southeast Sulawesi

March 3rd, 2018
No                   : 005/03/III/2018
Subject                        : Meeting Invitation
Attachment     : 2 Pieces

All the students Guardian

As this letter come, we extend the invitation to all the students’ guardian to attend the meeting for the farewell of the 3rd grade students. We will held the meeting at the school at 09.00 am on Wednesday, March 6th, 2015. We hope all the parents or the guardian of the 3rd grade students can come to attend the meeting. We will focus on the date of the farewell ceremony, what will in the ceremony and the way to prevent the students’ anarchy during the ceremony and the celebration.

Thank you for your attention.
Your Sincerely,
La Ode Rosa
School Principal

Example 3: Formal Invitation


The Ministry of Education and Culture
Laworo University
Jl. WaokuniNo. 11 laworo, Phone (0409) 78xxxx

March 2nd, 2016

Mr. La Tahir
Social Services Office

Dear Mr. La Ode Maju

We are the committee of the Students Seminar of City Life. Social Life needs a speaker of social life in city society. We know that you are a lecturer and researcher of society social life. We want to have you in our seminar and talk a little about your research result.
We want to present a good new step for the new students in our department. I hope you can give us a little of your time to speak and give the material about social life in the big city in modern era. We will give you the detail of our seminar:

Date                : March 15th, 2018
Place                : Seminar Hall on Social Department, Laworo University
Theme             : The Social Life in Big City In the New Era

We hope you would be available to give the material to our new students in our Department. Thank you for your attention.

Late Koshi
The Chairman of the Committee

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