Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017
Some / Any / Much / Many
A little, a few or small number or amount.
Some We usually use some in positive sentences for countable and uncountable nouns.
I have some friends in London.
I usually drink some wine with my meal.
Sometimes we use some in a question, when we expect a positive YES answer.
Would you like some more tea?
Could I have some more sugar please?
Any One, small or all. It is used with negative sentences.
When asking questions and when a sentence is grammatically positive, but the meaning of the sentence is negative.
Do you have any ice cream left for me?
My brother never does any chores.
We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.
Do you have any cheese?
He doesn't have any friends in Paris.
Much It is used with uncountable nouns.
They don't have much money to buy a present.
Many It is used with countable nouns.
I don't have many English stamps in my collection.
Much and Many are used to express that there is a large quantity of something.
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