Senin, 12 Februari 2018
Tugas Individu bahasa Inggris Kelas X-IPS-2 Jam Pel.6,7,8(Lintas MInat) (13 Pebruari 2018)
Sebelum anda mengerjakan tugas individu di bawah ini, terlebih dahulu anda menulis materi ini pada buku catatan anda atau anda cukup membacanya. Materi ini sangat penting untuk anda mengetahuinya. Setelah itu anda kerjakan tugas individu di bawah ini.Explanation Text and Descriptive Text
I. Perbedaan antara Explanation Text and Descriptive Text, adalah sebagai berikut
= The differences between Explanation Text and Descriptive Text, are as follows:
A. Social Function:
Explanation Text
To explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or socio cultural phenomena.
Descriptive Text
To describe a particular person, place or thing.
B. Generic Structure
Explanation Text
1. A general statement to position the reader
2. A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
3. Closing
Descriptive Text
1. Identification (identify phenomenon to be described)
2. Description (describe parts, qualities, characteristics)
C. Language Features
Explanation Text
1. Use of general or abstract noun
2. Use of action verbs
3. Use of Passive voice
Descriptive Text
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
II. Kesamaa antara Explanation Text and Descriptive Text
= The similarity between Explanation Text and Descriptive Text is the language feature used.
The two texts mostly use simple present tense.
Language Feature = Ciri Kebahasaan
Explanation Text
Use of simple present tense
Descriptive Text
.Use of simple present tense
Example of explanation text
The Cancer
Everyone has familiar with cancer, don’t they? What is cancer? Cancer is actually a group of more than one hundred separated diseases. When we hear about cancer, we are fear from it. it is reasonable since it is the second leading cause of death after heart attack.
Cancer cell comes from normal cell because of the DNA mutations. Those mutations can happen spontaneously. The mutations may be also stimulated by other factors such as viruses, bacteria, nuclear and electromagnetic radiation, parasites, heat, chemical in the air, water and flood, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc. those factors produce mutations that create cancer.
Cancer cells are composed continuously in the organism. It is estimated that there are about 11.000 cancer cells at any given time in healthy person. Why do some results in macroscopic-level cancers and some do no? Firstly, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die quickly. Secondly, those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by the mechanism available to the immune system.
Hence, cancer develops if the immune system does not work properly or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune system to eliminate.
Paragraf 1, general statement
Paragraf 2 and 3, Sequence of explanation
Paragraf 4, closing.
Example of descriptive text
Borobudur Temple.
Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.
1. Paragraf pertama: Identification, menggambarkan sepintas tentang Candi Borobudur yang akan dideskripsikan sehingga pembaca tidak akan salah paham tentang candi yang sedang dibicarakan. Bahwa candi yang dimaksud adalah candi yang bernama Borobudur, yang berlokasi di Magelang, Jawa Tengah.
2. Paragraf kedua: Description, berisi tentang penjelasan atau deskripsi Candi Borobudur dengan memaparkan sifat-sifatnya seperti:
– berada di bukit dengan ketinggian 46 meter dan terdiri dari 8 tingkat seperti teras.
– 5 tingkat pertama berbentuk kotak (square) dan dikelilingin tembok.
– 3 tingkat paling atas berbentuk bulat (circular).
Tugas Individu
• Tugas Individu bahasa Inggris (Lintas MInat)
• Kelas X-IPS-2 Jam Pelajaran 6,7,8 (13 Pebruari 2018)
1. Tulislah sebuah Descriptive Text tentang teman anda sendiri
2. Judul teks anda adalah nama teman anda tersebut.
Contoh Judul:
“My friend, Wati”
Wati is my closest friend that she lives in Mandonga. I like her because of her kindness.
( Kalimat diatas bisa sebagai bagian … “Identification-nya”. Lalu anda menambahkan kata-kata
lain lagi sebagai tambahan bagian identifikasinya.)
Setelah itu anda menulis kalimat- kalimat “ Description-nya, sebanyak-banyaknya.
Sampai dapat 20 kalimat. 20 kalimat terhitung dari kalimat identifikasinya.
3. Tentukan bagian-bagian dari teks yang anda tulis tersebut
a. identification-nya
b. description-nya
3. Anda bisa lihat contoh Descriptive Text di atas. tapi contoh teks diatas mendeskripsikan tentang benda, bukan orang. sedangakn tugas anda mendeskripsikan tentang orang, yaitu teman anda sendiri dalam kelas.
4. Dikerjakan pada lembaran kertas
5. Luas tulisan 20 kalimat untuk bahasa Inggris.
6. Ditulis dalam 2 bahasa (Indonesia-Inggris)
7. Di kumpul hari ini pada ketua kelas
8. Pada saat pelajaran berlangsung, di harapkan tidak ada siswa yang keluar masuk kelas.
9. Pintu kelas di tutup pada saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris berlangsung.
10. Ketua kelas menuliskan nama-nama siswa yang tidak hadir beserta keterangannya,
11. Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya.
Kendari, 13 Pebruari 2018
Guru Bidang Studi
La Ode Ndoali, S.Pd
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