Minggu, 22 April 2018

Tugas Individu: X-MIPA-3 (23 April 2018) Jam Pel.5-6 (Wajib)

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Exercise = Latihan
I.     Change the following sentences into Simple Present Tense correctly!
1.    We are going to do our assignments.       
2.    We were not cleaning their rooms.                        
3.    Did Joko  come here?                                              
4.    Laila has informed them.                
5.    Jane will not invite you.                               
6.    Clara was singing a new song.                                 
7.    He is not sitting at my bed.             
8.    Has he been playing table tennis? 
9.    We have not been at Yoris'house.
10. Is she going to be a governor?

II.  Change the following sentences into passive voice correctly!
1. Jamila always teaches me.
2. Leonardo sometimes invites them to go to Indo island in West Muna.
3. She usually finishes leo’s assignments on time.
4. The principal sometime gives us a present at the end of the year.
5. He sometime writes his articles in May
6. We often delay the flight.
7. You never watch the films.
8. I always stop him smoking in public area.
9. They always need my help
10. Brandon often hopes me to help his neighbor.

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