Rabu, 06 Februari 2019

Materi Pelajaran XI-MIPA-6 ( 7-Pebruari 2019)

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Explanation Text

An explanation is written to explain how and why something in the world happens. It is about actions rather than about things.
Explanations play a valuable role in building and storing our knowledge. Technical and scientific writing are often expressed in this form.

When writing explanations we establish that the phenomenon exists and then explain why or how this came about.The writer should acquire a great deal of content knowledge before beginning the explanation.

There are different types of explanation. One type explains an occurrence or how something works. It may be mechanical explaining how a lawn motor works, technological describing how a computer works or natural when describing how avalanches occur. 
A secontype explains why things happen, for example why objects expand and contract and why bathroom mirrors mist up when we shower.Yet another type may explain the similarities and differences between objects and a final type would explain how to approach a problem that has to be resolved.

This text type links with Science and Technology topics where explanations of natural or non-natural phenomena are explored, for example how a television works, why earthquakes occur, how tornadoes are
formed and how sound moves through a variety of materials. It also has links with Human Society and Environment where explanations are written for how cotton is processed to become articles of clothing, why we should exercise and eat a healthy diet and how cheese is processed from milk.

Explanations are written by members of a number of professions to explain processes. Medical researchers write explanations for doctors, nurses and health workers about how medical problems develop. Weather forecasters explain weather patterns and changes for farmers, students and scientists.  A biologist will describe how butterflies develop from cocoons for students and conservationists.
Students should be writing detailed and accurate sequences of events and at this stage should be writing explanations showing causal relationships as well as sequential ones. Causal relationships explain natural happenings such as tornadoes, earthquakes or a lunar eclipse.
Technical terms play an important role in explanation texts. A glossary of terms may be included at the back of the book or writers may write a definition of terms within the text.

It is important that students understand that explanations can be part of a larger text. It is quite usual to find explanations within a report to explain some aspects of the information. They are frequently found as an integral part of a procedural text, the procedure explaining to the reader how to do something and the explanation detailing how it works.


Explanations have the following structure:
•   general statement introducing or identifying the phenomenon
•   series of sequenced paragraphs
•   concluding paragraph

Explanations have a title that prepares and leads the reader to the text.This can appear in a variety of forms from a heading that names the action to a how and why question or a problem that is to be answered by the explanation.

General statement

The first paragraph has a general statement that introduces or identifies the scientific or technical phenomenon. It gives the audience
a brief introduction to the event or thing and an understanding of the type of text that is
to follow.

Sequenced statements
At this stage students’ explanations are developing causal relationships as well as sequential ones.The logically sequenced paragraphs explain why or how something happens rather than focusing on an object.The explanation sequence should consist of a series of happenings, actions, causes or processes that are the focus of the text type.This chain of actions, causes or events results in the phenomenon about which the explanation is written. Events may be related according to time or cause or through both and should be detailed and accurate, ensuring that all elements
have been included. Sequences often develop by explaining how the events happen over a period of time: first this happens and then this is followed by the next event. It is important that in addition to researching the facts, students understand the reasons behind them. Attention should be focused on writing these reasons in their explanations.

It is important that students realise that they will need to make thoughtful decisions about what to write and the order in which the information should be presented. Generally there is no human involved in the process
of events.

Concluding statement
An optional concluding statement can tie up the explanation.

Use of present tense.
•   Use of complex noun groups to build detailed descriptions, e.g.The enormous expanse of arid land;The rampaging, threatening river.
•   Use of abstract nouns, e.g. heat, earthquakes.
•   Use of pronouns for words already introduced in the text.
•   Usually the subject is not human, e.g. mountains, rain, video.
•   Use of sentences that have a clear subject and verb agreement.
•   Use of action verbs to explain cause, e.g. from, started from.
•   Use of adverbial phrases of time and place to tell where and when actions occurred, e.g. It is to be found in North America.
Use of connectives to link time sequences in a cause and effect sequence, e.g. first, then, after, finally, so, as a consequence.
•   Use of passive voice and nominalisation to link the events through cause and effect.
•   Use of time conjunctions, e.g. when, as, to sequence and link events and to keep the text flowing. Placing of these conjunctions first in the sentence in order to focus the readers attention, e.g. When he reached the summit of the mountain, he felt exhilarated.


Explanation text adalah jenis teks yang berisi penjelasan yang dapat memberikan jawaban akan pertanyaan mengapa suatu hal terjadi atau bagaimana proses terjadinya sesuatu. Jika disederhanakan pengertiannya, maka bisa kita bilang bahwa explanation text merupakan suatu teks yang berisi penjelasan yang rinci. Beverly Derewianka dalam bukunya “Exploring How Texts Work” menyatakan bahwa Explanation Text itu adalah teks yang membahas “Why is it so?” atau “How does it work?”. Dari sini terbayang sudah di pikiran kita ya bahwa fokus dari sebuah Explanation text lebih mangarah pada “process” dibandingkan pemaparan tentang suatu benda. 


Berkaitan dengan pengelompokkan tipe explanation text, hingga saat ini ternyata belum ada pakem nya. Namun secara umum explanation text bisa kita kelompokkan kedalam dua jenis berikut ini:
Explanation Text yang berisi penjelasan “How”
Jenis explanation text ini berfokus pada penjelasan proses atau cara kerja sesuatu, misalnya saja seperti cara kerja telpon, cara kerja mesin kendaraan dan sebagainya, contoh:
Mechanical explanation (How does an engine work?)
Technological explanation (How does an email work?)
System explanation (How does goverment administration work?)
Natural Explanation (How are sedimentary rocks formed?)
Explanation Text yang berisi penjelasan “Why”
Jenis explanation text ini berfokus pada penjelasan penyebab atau alasan terjadinya suatu hal, misalnya saja penjelasan tentang mengapa sebuah benda jatuh ke bawah dan sebagainya. Beberapa contoh judul atau tema yang termasuk kedalam nya misalnya:
Why do we cry when we slice shallot?
Why is the water level rising?
Why does iron go rusty?

Generic Structure of Explanation Text
Terdapat bagian-bagian dari isi Explanation Text, yaitu:
§  General Statement
Berisi tentang informasi umum mengenai topik yang akan dibahas dalam teks.

§  Explanation / Sequence of Explanation
Berisi serangkaian kejadian-kejadian (sequence of events) dari suatu proses yang merupakan topik dari teks. Kita juga bisa menjelaskan dengan menggunakan pertanyaan mengapa dan bagaimana, agar penjelasan yang kita sampaikan lebih komprehensif.
§  Closing
Bagian closing atau penutup. Bagian ini dapat berisi informasi tambahan atau opini penulis mengenai topik yang dibahas.

Ciri-ciri Explanation Text

Terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri dari teks ini, yaitu:
§  Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
Teks ini menggunakan Simple Present tense karena teks ini menjelaskan mengenai fakta.
§  Menggunakan Passive Voices

Penggunaan  Passive Voice ini bertujuan untuk menekankan fokus pada kejadian yang berlangsung daripada subjeknya

Why People Choose Laptops
          1. Below are several benefits of using laptops.
      2. Moreover, a laptop allows us to access the internet In public places which provide free access          called host pot areas. Some people like to use this facility to carry out their tasks.
      3. Finally, a laptop consumes energy more efficiently than a PC does. This device uses a rechargeable battery as a source of electric energy. So, if we prefer using a laptop, it means that we support the government program to save energy.
       4. A laptop is a portable devices. It means that we can bring it anywhere. This portability is very helpful for our work, study and other activity. We do not need complicated cable installations to activate a laptop and with a laptop, we can do our work anytime anywhere.
     5. That’s why a laptop has become very popular recently.
      6. A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as a PC (Personal Computer), but it is smaller, lighter, and has different sizes. Nowadays, most people choose laptops for several reasons.
      1. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into good oredr by looking at the number written correctly!
       2. Classify the part of the text contents refer to GENERAL STATEMENT, SEQUENCE of EXPLANATIONS and CLOSING properly!
      3. Write 2 nominal and 2 verbal sentences based on the text contents properly!
      4. Write 5 active voice sentences  and then change them into passive voice correctly!
1 -  Ini Tugas Individu
2 -  Tulis di buku masing-masing

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