Senin, 21 November 2016

Students' assignment

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Read the text carefully and then answer the questions.
This text is for questions no.1 to 4 
      There are used to be a general feeling that computer games were bad for you, and books were good. Now people are not so sure. Researchers have found that computer games, TV and internet have become key factors in boosting children’s IQ up to levels never reached by past generations.
      It has been claimed that, in moderation, computer gaming is positively good for youngsters. It requires positive qualities such as perseverance, fast thinking and rapid learning. However, it seems that improvements in IQ may not last very long without continuing stimulation. The brain seems to be like a muscle and requires repeated and vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy.
      Others argue that computers have only limited value. They fear that young people who spend too much time playing computer games alone will never learn to think independently. They claim that the danger with a computer is that doing repetitive tasks can actually reduce intelligence. In the end, computer games are no substitute for real-life experience and for imagination.
1.        What is the text about?
2.        Why is computer gaming positively good for youngsters?
3.        What is the main idea of paragraph three?
4.        “ .... and vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy,” (Paragraph 2)
           The word ‘vigorous’ has closest meaning to ....
a.      hard                                  d. fast
b.      continuing                        e. real
c.       careful

1. Terjemahkanlah teks di atas pada buku catatan anda.
2. Jawablah soal-soal diatas pada buku catatan anda.
3. Tulislah jawaban anda pada selembar kertas di sertai alasan-alasan anda memilih opsi pada setiap butir soal.
4. Kumpul lembar kertas jawaban anda pada ketua kelas hari ini.
5. Nilai anda tergantung pada kesungguhan dan kebenaran anda mengerjakan tugas anda.
6. Jangan anda keluar masuk kelas pada saat pelajaran berlangsung.
7. Guru akan sangat bangga pada anda jika anda mematuhi catatan nomor 1 sampai 6 diatas.
8. Selamat belajar dengan tenang.
9. Saya sangat bangga dan senang mengajar anda karena anda siswa yang baik.
10. Terimakasih atas segala perhatian dan kerjasamanya.

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