Selasa, 15 November 2016
Soal-Soal Latihan mengahadapi UN Bahasa Inggris dan penjelasannya
text is for question 1 t0 3
River Short Story Contest
August 5, 2014
the contest:
searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi
River, the River Valley, or a sister River: its landscape, people, culture,
history, current events, or future.
will be choosen by a regional team of published writers. The final manuscript
will be choosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of Southeast Missouri State
University Press.
receives an award of $500 and publication in big Muddy: A journal of the
Mississippi River Valley. Winner will be announced October 3, 2014.
Mail manuscripts to:
Missouri State University Press
2650, One University Plaza
Girardeau, MO63701
1. What
is the purpose of the text?
a. To
give information about Mighty rivers.
b. To
announce about a short story writing contest.
c. To
advertise a vacancy for a short story writer.
d. To
announce about a short story telling contest.
e. To
give information about Southeast Missouri State University Press.
2. Which
statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. The
winner receives an award of $500.
b. The
winner will be announced on October 3, 2012.
c. Some
regional writers will choose the final manuscript.
d. Susan
Swartwout is a publisher of Southeast Missouri State University Press.
e. The
short story should relate to the Mississippi River, The River Valley or a
sister River.
3. “
.... landscape, people, culture, current events ....”. The synonym of the word ‘current’ is ....
a. Old c.
Temporary e.
b. Real d. Important
text is for question 4 t0 5
September 3, 2015, I bought a TV offered by one of your salespersons at my school.
Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because it can’t be
turned on. I’m dissappointed because
the product doesn’t work properly.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate my money back or an exchange.
look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and will wait
a week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or Better Business Bureau.
contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below.
Jalan Lada 55
4. What
is the purpose of the e-mail?
a. To
offer service
b. To
order a product
c. To
advertise a new product
d. To
complain about a service
e. To
complain about a product
5. Which
statement is NOT TRUE based on the e-mail?
a. Mr.
Sucipto is the sender.
b. The
TV could not be turned on.
c. The
sender bought a TV at a mail.
d. The
e-mail sender wants his money back or an exchange.
e. The
e-mail receiver has a week to resolve the problem.
text is for question 6 t0 10
Good morning,
Indonesia. Viewers, what sports do you always do in the morning? Jogging?
Cycling? Anyway, do you know that walking is a good sport? According to the
webmd, a famous health web, in its article 7 Most Effective Exercises, it’s mentioned that
walking has good benefits, to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Let’s find out.
walking may reduce the cancer risk. Two, walking will keep our heart healthy.
Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood
vessels to the heart. Three, we will look thirty years younger if we walk
regularly. Do you want to know the reason? Please don’t change your channel. We’ll
be right back after the break.
6. What
is the text about?
a. The
reason why we should do sports in the morning.
b. What
sports people like to do in the morning.
c. The
benefit of doing sports in the morning.
d. The
bad effect of doing sports regularly.
e. The
benefits of walking.
7. According
to the webmd, a famous healthweb,
in its ....”what is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. general d. identified
b. well-known e. hidden
c. trivial
8. There
are .... benefits of walking mentioned in the text.
a. One d. four
b. Two e. five
c. Three
9. Which
of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a. According
to the news, walking is not enough to keep our bodies fit.
b. Walking
will not effect our bodies although we do it regularly.
c. That
TV news is broadcast in the afternoon.
d. ‘7 Most Effective Exercises’
is the name of the program broadcast in the TV.
e. Edward
R Lowsky explained that walking is good because it may burn fat which might
disturb blood vessels to the heart.
10. ‘Do
you want to know the reason?’
The word ‘you’ refers to ....
a. Indonesia d. TV
b. The
announcer e. Edward
R Lowsky
c. The
Perhatikan jawaban dan penjelasan dari soal-soal di atas
This text is for question 1 t0 3
River Short Story Contest
August 5, 2014
the contest:
searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi
River, the River Valley, or a sister River: its landscape, people, culture,
history, current events, or future.
will be choosen by a regional team of published writers. The final manuscript
will be choosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of Southeast Missouri State
University Press.
receives an award of $500 and publication in big Muddy: A journal of the
Mississippi River Valley. Winner will be announced October 3, 2014.
Mail manuscripts to:
Missouri State University Press
2650, One University Plaza
Girardeau, MO63701
1. What
is the purpose of the text?
a. To
give information about Mighty rivers.
b. To
announce about a short story writing contest.
c. To
advertise a vacancy for a short story writer.
d. To
announce about a short story telling contest.
e. To
give information about Southeast Missouri State University Press.
B. Berdasarkan judulnya, yaitu” Mighty River Short Story Contest”, dan juga kalimat-kalimat dalam teks, di ketahui bahwa teks tersebut berisi pengumuman tentang perlombaan penulisan cerita pendek.
B. Berdasarkan judulnya, yaitu” Mighty River Short Story Contest”, dan juga kalimat-kalimat dalam teks, di ketahui bahwa teks tersebut berisi pengumuman tentang perlombaan penulisan cerita pendek.
2. Which
statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. The
winner receives an award of $500.
b. The
winner will be announced on October 3, 2012.
c. Some
regional writers will choose the final manuscript.
d. Susan
Swartwout is a publisher of Southeast Missouri State University Press.
e. The
short story should relate to the Mississippi River, The River Valley or a
sister River.
C.Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “ The final manuscript will be choosen by Susan Swartwout.” Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks.
C.Pilihan jawaban ini benar untuk pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “ The final manuscript will be choosen by Susan Swartwout.” Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks.
3. “
.... landscape, people, culture, current events ....”. The synonym of the word ‘current’ is ....
a. Old c.
Temporary e.
b. Real d. Important
E. Kata ‘current’ artinya mutakhir/sekarang. Persamaan katanya adalah ‘present’.Pilihan jawaban A artinya kuno, B artinya nyata, C artinya sementara, D artinya penting, E artinya sekarang
E. Kata ‘current’ artinya mutakhir/sekarang. Persamaan katanya adalah ‘present’.Pilihan jawaban A artinya kuno, B artinya nyata, C artinya sementara, D artinya penting, E artinya sekarang
text is for question 4 t0 5
September 3, 2015, I bought a TV offered by one of your salespersons at my school.
Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because it can’t be
turned on. I’m dissappointed because
the product doesn’t work properly.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate my money back or an exchange.
look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and will wait
a week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or Better Business Bureau.
contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below.
Jalan Lada 55
4. What
is the purpose of the e-mail?
a. To
offer service
b. To
order a product
c. To
advertise a new product
d. To
complain about a service
e. To
complain about a product
E. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”I am disappointed because the product doesn’t work properly.” Dari sini di ketahui bahwa e-mail itu untuk mengungkapkan keluhan atas produk yang di beli.
E. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”I am disappointed because the product doesn’t work properly.” Dari sini di ketahui bahwa e-mail itu untuk mengungkapkan keluhan atas produk yang di beli.
5 5. Which
statement is NOT TRUE based on the e-mail?
a. Mr.
Sucipto is the sender.
b. The
TV could not be turned on.
c. The
sender bought a TV at a mail.
d. The
e-mail sender wants his money back or an exchange.
e. The
e-mail receiver has a week to resolve the problem.
C. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “on September 3, 2015, I bought a TV offered by one of your salespersons at my school.” Jadi, pengirim e-mail itu membeli TV itu di sekolah tempat ia mengajar.
C. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “on September 3, 2015, I bought a TV offered by one of your salespersons at my school.” Jadi, pengirim e-mail itu membeli TV itu di sekolah tempat ia mengajar.
text is for question 6 t0 10
Good morning,
Indonesia. Viewers, what sports do you always do in the morning? Jogging?
Cycling? Anyway, do you know that walking is a good sport? According to the
webmd, a famous health web, in its article 7 Most Effective Exercises, it’s mentioned that
walking has good benefits, to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Let’s find out.
walking may reduce the cancer risk. Two, walking will keep our heart healthy.
Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood
vessels to the heart. Three, we will look thirty years younger if we walk
regularly. Do you want to know the reason? Please don’t change your channel. We’ll
be right back after the break.
6. What
is the text about?
a. The
reason why we should do sports in the morning.
b. What
sports people like to do in the morning.
c. The
benefit of doing sports in the morning.
d. The
bad effect of doing sports regularly.
e. The
benefits of walking.
E. Secara keseluruhan teks itu tentang manfaat berjalan kaki (the benefits of walking), yaitu:(1) Mengurangi risiko kanker, (2) menjaga jantung tetap sehat, dan (3) kita akan kelihatan tiga puluh tahun lebih muda.
E. Secara keseluruhan teks itu tentang manfaat berjalan kaki (the benefits of walking), yaitu:(1) Mengurangi risiko kanker, (2) menjaga jantung tetap sehat, dan (3) kita akan kelihatan tiga puluh tahun lebih muda.
7. According
to the webmd, a famous healthweb,
in its ....”what is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. general d. identified
b. well-known e. hidden
c. trivial
B. Kata ‘famous’ artinya yaitu terkenal. Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sama adalah ‘well-known’(terkenal). Pilihan jawaban yang salah; (a) umum, (b)terkenal, (c)remeh, (d)di ketahui, (e) tersembunyi
B. Kata ‘famous’ artinya yaitu terkenal. Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sama adalah ‘well-known’(terkenal). Pilihan jawaban yang salah; (a) umum, (b)terkenal, (c)remeh, (d)di ketahui, (e) tersembunyi
8. There
are .... benefits of walking mentioned in the text.
a. One d. four
b. Two e. five
c. Three
C. Di sini jelas sekali bahwa ada 3 keuntungan berjalkan kaki.“One, walking may reduce the cancer risk. Two, walking will keep our heart healthy. Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood vessels to the heart. Three, we will look thirty years younger if we walk regularly”.
C. Di sini jelas sekali bahwa ada 3 keuntungan berjalkan kaki.“One, walking may reduce the cancer risk. Two, walking will keep our heart healthy. Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood vessels to the heart. Three, we will look thirty years younger if we walk regularly”.
9. Which
of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a. According
to the news, walking is not enough to keep our bodies fit.
b. Walking
will not effect our bodies although we do it regularly.
c. That
TV news is broadcast in the afternoon.
d. ‘7 Most Effective Exercises’
is the name of the program broadcast in the TV.
e. Edward
R Lowsky explained that walking is good because it may burn fat which might
disturb blood vessels to the heart.
E. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat,” Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood vessels to the heart.”
E. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat,” Edward R.Lowsky mentioned that walking may burn fat which might disturb blood vessels to the heart.”
10. ‘Do
you want to know the reason?’
The word ‘you’ refers to ....
a. Indonesia d. TV
b. The
announcer e. Edward
R Lowsky
c. The
D. Do you want to know the reason?” Artinya “Anda ingin tahu alasannya?” Ucapan itu merupakan sapaan pembawa acara kepada para pemirsa (viewers). Jadi, kata ‘you’ mengacu kepada pemirsa.
D. Do you want to know the reason?” Artinya “Anda ingin tahu alasannya?” Ucapan itu merupakan sapaan pembawa acara kepada para pemirsa (viewers). Jadi, kata ‘you’ mengacu kepada pemirsa.
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