Rabu, 01 April 2020
XI-IPA-UNGGUL (Bahasa Inggris-Lintas Minat) (02 April 2020)
XI-IPA-UNGGUL (Bahasa Inggris-Lintas Minat)
Jumlah Soal
Kamis, 02 April 2020
Hartatory Exposition (REVIEW)
1. Essay Test
90 menit
· (REVIEW = Tinjauan Ulang)
Definition of Hortatory exposition Text
A Hortatory exposition text is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea.
Generic Structure of Hortatory exposition Text (Susunan Penulisannya):
# Thesis : Thesis is the announcement of issue concern.
# Arguments : Argument is reason for concern, leading to recommendation.
# Recommendation : Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought to happen.
# Thesis : Thesis is the announcement of issue concern.
# Arguments : Argument is reason for concern, leading to recommendation.
# Recommendation : Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought to happen.
Purpose of Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is used to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Hortatory exposition is used to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
The Characteristics / Language Feature of Hortatory exposition Text:
- Using action verb
- Using action verb
- Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
- Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc (not all texts use use temporal conjunction)
- Using passive voice
- Using simple present tense
- Using passive voice
- Using simple present tense
Exercise (Latihan)
1. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs below into good order! You can only rearrange its
= Susunlah kembali paragraf acak di bawah ini sesuai urutan yang baik. Anda bisa
hanya menyusun abjadnya.
2. Translate the text into good Indonesian!
= Terjemahkan teks di bawah ini kedalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik.
This text is for questions no 1 to 2 above.
= Teks ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 2 di atas.
Effects of Watching TV for Kids
A. Considering some facts mentioning above, the parents can protect your children by limiting television viewing to one-two hours each day, not allowing the children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms and review the rating of TV shows which your children watch and sometimes watching television with children and discuss what is happening in the show
B. Besides that some researchers also found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during childhood and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
C. Meanwhile, many studies that have been conducted indicated the relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
D. Recently, a study showed that spending too much time on TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration. The children tends to have problem with their sleeping.
E. Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all family members. However, this is important to know what your kids are watching and of course that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.
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