Selasa, 05 Februari 2019

Tugas Siswa Kelas XI MIPA 2 ( 6-2-2019) Jam Pel. 9-10

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Why People Choose Laptops
          1. Below are several benefits of using laptops.
      2. Moreover, a laptop allows us to access the internet In public places which provide free access          called host pot areas. Some people like to use this facility to carry out their tasks.
      3. Finally, a laptop consumes energy more efficiently than a PC does. This device uses a rechargeable battery as a source of electric energy. So, if we prefer using a laptop, it means that we support the government program to save energy.
       4. A laptop is a portable devices. It means that we can bring it anywhere. This portability is very helpful for our work, study and other activity. We do not need complicated cable installations to activate a laptop and with a laptop, we can do our work anytime anywhere.
     5. That’s why a laptop has become very popular recently.
      6. A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as a PC (Personal Computer), but it is smaller, lighter, and has different sizes. Nowadays, most people choose laptops for several reasons.
      1. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into good order by looking at the number written correctly!
       2. Classify the part of the text contents refer to GENERAL STATEMENT, SEQUENCE of EXPLANATIONS and CLOSING properly!
      3. Write 2 nominal and 2 verbal sentences based on the text contents properly!
      4. Write 5 active voice sentences  and then change them into passive voice correctly!
1 -  Ini Tugas Individu
2 -  Tulis di buku masing-masing

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